One Component Indoor/Outdoor Pore FillerFull aliphatic polyurethane topcoat, specially formulated that closes all the pores of its granules
PoreFILLER® P-1K Fully aliphatic Polyurethane topcoat specially formulated which is resistant to extreme continuous water contact and is 100% waterproof, After stone carpet application, it is a pore filler that closes all the pores of its granules.
PoreFILLER® P-1K After curing is complete, a transparent film layer forms on the stone carpet surface.
PoreFILLER® P-1K which cures with the humidity in the atmosphere. The material is based on the extreme water resistance Pore Filler technology with a modified rheology so as to be applied when thixotropy is required. it does not yellow /color does not change when exposed to sunlight. It is based on pure elastomeric, hydrophobic, aliphatic polyurethane resin, which results in excellent resistance to mechanical, chemical, thermal, UV, continuous water contact and extreme weather conditions.
Do not leave the packaging lid open during the application phase and the open product can be saved for the next application using the packages lid open and close method.
- Important features
- Ready for Use
- Highly Hydrophobic
- High sunlight resistance
- Full Aliphatic
- Due to continuous water contact and rainwater, no lime or chlorine water stains occur
- Inhibits fungal and bacterial growth
- It is a transparent and covers 100% all pores in one application
Appearance after curing Satin matte appearance after drying and does not show light reflections.
CLEANING Can be done with washer, dryers and machines with large scrubbing brushes.
- Waterproof
- Continuous water contact resistance
- No Tyre Marks
- No Yellowing
- It forms a waterproof coating on all wet floors
- It forms a watertight coating in swimming pools, bathrooms and all wet floors
- Solvent-less, 100% solids
- Fully aliphatic, no yellowing resulting from UV exposure
- Strong and uniform adhesion over the entire surface
- Very high resistance to mechanical stresses (high tensile strength and abrasion resistance)
- Excellent weather and UV resistance
- Excellent thermal resistance, the product never turns soft
- Max service temperature 80 °C, max shock temperature 200 °C
- Resistance to cold: The film remains elastic even down to -40 °C
- Excellent mechanical properties
- Water vapor transmission
- Outstanding resistance to chemicals
- Outstanding hydrolysis and oxidation resistance
- Absolutely non foaming
- Comfortable application
- All wet surfaces
- Swimming Pool
- Auto Showroom
- Terraces, Balconies
- Kitchen
- Bathrooms, WC, Showers
- Living Areas
- Indoors / Outdoors
Do the application with a hard rubber glass wiper. Continuously pull the glass wiper straight and hard. Do not leave extra layer on surface application. Every time you remove the extra layer on the surface with a glass Wiper, remove the excess layer from your glass wiper. During the application phase, make sure that there is a homogeneous layer on the surface, an unequal extra layer leaves a trace. Do not leave the packaging lid open during the application phase and the open product can be saved for the next application using the packages lid open and close method. Easy to apply with a glass wipers. Never apply with a brush!
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